Moving Day | Teen Ink

Moving Day

April 9, 2019
By InSkyGuy-YT BRONZE, Western Springs, Illinois
InSkyGuy-YT BRONZE, Western Springs, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a week before I was warned that I was moving. At the time I was 6. I was running around in a large room that is supposed to be for storage. My mom and my dad were smiling when they walked from the movie theater where my sister was watching a movie. I didn’t think it was something important so I just kept running. They then said for me to come with them to the computer. We were walking through the red halls in my house and walked into their master bedroom. When I saw what was on the Apple laptop, I almost ran into my room and locked myself in there. Then I thought, this is just a prank. But when they walked in they said something I would NEVER forget.
“Like the new house, Tyler?” My dad said.
“Why are we moving?!?” I was yelling by now with a wobbly tone.
“I got a job in Illinois,” He said calmly.
I was mixed in all these different emotions. They let me go back to the room to run around again. The concrete floor I was just running on didn’t seem pleasing. I didn't want to move, I thought. It felt like a box of bricks hit me. So, I just watched the movie with my sister. I was thinking of reasons to not move in the soft red movie chair. I didn’t think my little brother cared since he was only 4 years old. I don’t get why my parents would want to move from my large house to a small house that was built 95 years ago. I really just wanted to stay in this house all the time. I didn’t want to miss all my friends. I didn’t think my sister knew about the news because is she did, she would be devastated. She would lose all her friends. I thought of the pros and cons. I thought of all the memories I would not relive. Like the time we played with these parachute action toys and threw them off the deck again and again. Or the time when I sang “Rain, Rain, Go Away” with my plastic guitar. But I would make new friends and new memories. I didn’t have a lot of friends because I didn’t meet a lot of people since I was 6 years old and just started pre-school. When it was moving day I was teary-eyed when I watched all my toys get taken to the moving truck. I said one last goodbye to the house and my friends.
“I wish we wouldn’t move,” I said.
Kaitlynn (my sister) was crying since we were leaving the house forever.
“Imagine all the friends you will make at your new school!” My mom said.
She was trying to keep everyone's hopes up.
“We will be staying at your grandparent’s house for one month,” My dad said. “A month is 30-ish days.”

The author's comments:

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