The Volkswagen Emission Scandal | Teen Ink

The Volkswagen Emission Scandal

July 8, 2019
By Anonymous

Defeat devices are a real problem for the car industry and the environment. The reason for emission laws is that emissions above the limit harm the environment and the physical health of people a lot. This gets really dangerous when VW and also a lot of major German car manufacturer cheats and manipulates millions of cars.

In some states of the USA, there is emission testing which tests the level of dangerous substances that escape from the car exhaust into the air. The car manufacturers have built engines and exhausts that pass the emission testing. If you look around the can see cars. VWs, Audis, Seats, and Ŝkodas. All of these cars have a defeat device which makes them pass on the dyno but under civilian operation, they emit 40 times the legal amount of nitrogen oxide (“After Volkswagen cheats on pollution tests, car dealers are left in limbo”).

 This means that all the car dealers are blamed and sued but actually, the car manufacturer should be sued. Now, all the dealers are left unsure and in a bad position . ‘Our dealers don’t manufacture Volkswagens, they sell them’ said Brian Maas, president of the California New Car Dealers Association. There are over 50 VW dealers in California and they are all affected by the public power (“After Volkswagen cheats on pollution tests, car dealers are left in limbo”). 11 000 000 VWs have the cheat device and the whole 2016 line of VW types of diesel are banned from the USA

VW has ordered all Manufacturers to stop selling new and used diesel cars. Dealers have to wait until Volkswagen gives the dealers permission to sell the cars again. VW is causing major issues in the car world because they aren’t honest with the dealers and now, the dealers are blamed for this crime. “Unlike the runaway Toyotas or the GM ignition switches, no one has died because of this fraud - And people seem to forget it.” A well known VW-California manager said.

 Runaway Toyotas are Toyotas that unintendedly accelerate and create a huge hazard for other people. GM ignition switches are ignition switches by GM(General Motors) that could shut off the car while driving which would result that the airbags being deactivated.(“General Motors ignition switch recalls”)The Dealers can sue Volkswagen just like the public can. If VW did wrong on purpose, they have to answer to the Government.

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