Voting: My Pride and Joy | Teen Ink

Voting: My Pride and Joy

October 23, 2019
By JRud22 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
JRud22 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My vote means my freedom, My vote means I have a constitutional right. My vote means I live in the land of the free. From the marshlands of Mississippi to the skyscrapers of Chicago, I see freedom in what citizens are able to do because they have a government that protects them.

My vote means our flag still flies high. My vote means our armed forces are still on top. My vote means I have been granted freedom. My grandparents remind me to never forget those who gave me that freedom, to remember freedom isn’t free, and there are true Americans fighting for us every day. Sitting down and thinking about what they gave up for me, or my neighbors, or people I don’t even know—that is what this country is all about.

My vote reminds me of the diversity in this country that makes us who we are. Age old debates between the right and the left. What this great country was brought up on, the way it was meant to be run, with civil debates and competition that kept everyone involved. 

My vote reminds me to have fun, to enjoy what I have, and to celebrate my right. I am good friends with people who have different views than me, but when the time comes to voting, we have FUN and unharmful debates. In public, I demonstrate the pride I have for this country and what I stand for because that is who I am and that’s what voting gives me. I am excited to see my side win, but more importantly, I love to see this country run the way it was meant to be.

My vote tells me I’m not alone, that there are others out there who stand with me. My vote means freedom—and everything to me. My vote reminds me that I live in the land of the free. My vote means my freedom, my vote means I have a constitutional right, my vote means I live in the land of the free.

The author's comments:

This piece is all about what my vote means to me.

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