Time | Teen Ink


December 11, 2020
By E_marz BRONZE, Hemet, California
E_marz BRONZE, Hemet, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There is one entity that defines our life like no other. We can’t touch see or feel it yet it lingers and it’s been there from the start. Time is divided into sectors that play a role in our lives, preseption, aging, control. These are important parts of our life that we don't really take into count or control.

To introduce, The slightest form of fluctuation we feel in time is perspective. With perspective, we get a tiny sensation of what feels like control. When we with our friends time seems to race by. Yet when we are bored and have nothing to do the race car turns into a sloth. Even though we aren’t going faster or slower it feels that way and that’s what matters. My point here would be that time isn’t always fixed in our own perspective. Time is relative to what you are doing or feeling as well as the fact that we can trick our brain which is fascinating. 

Consequentially, With time comes wear on our bodies we call this aging. This is another facet of our lives that we have no say in. The cycle of life has time written all over it from our birth which takes nine months to our first month on earth. With time we measure aging but time has never aged it has managed to stay the same throughout all of humanity. We have found out all there is to know about human anatomy and mathematics. But nothing about this entity which is time that his bean around since our creation. We have changed over time and now use our time differently to make our quality of life better and the quantity of time has also increased due to the medical field but we all still have an unfortunate end in our cycle. With no say you will pass away but time will be here for the next generation longing for someone to take interest and find its true contents before it’s too late.

Now we focus on the now our day to day lives. For every person, this is different there is no fixed way of living. But most of us will wake up at around 8-8:30 have breakfast and continue to eat again when the time is appropriate to then sleep when it is bedtime. The people who are successful will rinse and repeat their schedule and be punctual those who don't are seen as unproductive. Time can make someone unproductive; as a society, we are meant to evolve and use our time wisely and there come times where we can’t be the ideal human and will seize to follow this schedule. This happens and now we’re behind we need to catch up or accept failure. But the problem is we forget to leave time in our schedule for failure and as human beings, we can’t insist on being perfect when we don't make mistakes. Like this we are made and divided the most efficient will become rich and successful and the other 90% will continue to drift by and make mistakes but prosper to live a normal life. Time has more control and we ever will witch makes things unfortunate.

To conclude since the dawn of time we have been driven by time. By this thing we can’t see or feel yet matters so much to us controls who we are. The only way to make our quality of time better, taking to account prescription, aging, and most of all control of our schedule and our time. 

All in all, live every day like is your last.

The author's comments:

This is an article about time and how it controls our lives and state of being.

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