What To Do? | Teen Ink

What To Do?

May 26, 2009
By Nathan Blazek BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Nathan Blazek BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have had to make many hard decisions in my life but some have been harder than others. The decisions I have made have impacted who I am as a person. The two decisions I have decided to write about are weather or not to continue boy scouts and if I should start refereeing soccer.

The first decision I had to make was weather or not to continue in boy scouts. This decision came in fifth grade when I was graduating from cub scoutd. My dad was the cub master for the pack I was in so he wanted me to continue. The search for a boy scout troop is almost like a search for a college I have found out. You have to go search for a troop that will fit your needs and expectations. This involves visiting the troops in the area and seeing what day they meet and what times they meet. Even though I ended up only visiting two the one troop really stuck out to me. This troop was 977 out of St. Paul on Canfield. This ended up being where all three of the scouts in my den went. Even though there are only two of us left we have enjoyed our time there. We go on campouts three times a year. Then over the summer we go to summer camp. Now I realize that I made a good decision. I am currently working on my Eagle Scout project and this is the highest rank that I can reach. This will look good on a college transcript. If I decided not to continue with boy scouts I would not have gained the knowledge that I have and also I wouldn’t have all the leadership abilities I have from being a leader in my troop for many years now. I an one of the oldest boys in the troop now so all the younger scouts are looking up to me so I want to set a good example.

The second decision I have had to make is if I wanted to start refereeing soccer. This decision came in the spring of my eighth grade year. I got a handout in the mail from Park Ridge Soccer. It was informing me about the ref clinics coming up. I had to make the decision on if I wanted to take the clinic or not. If I took the clinic I would be able to start reffing. This would involve me earning money top put away. The money to start out with would not be good money but I saw possible advancement through different levels. This would involve earning more money. As I have found out from advancing through the levels I have earned more money and gained some experience in the rules of soccer and leadership experience.

This is why the decision has changed my life.

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