Bravery | Teen Ink


May 21, 2009
By amykennah SILVER, Shelbyville, Illinois
amykennah SILVER, Shelbyville, Illinois
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Why did I have to hurt my ankle playing dodge ball on the first day here?!” I complain to Shannon as I limp over to the bleachers in Hunton Hall.

“Haha, yeah. I feel sorry for you. You pretty much can’t do anything,” She says. I look up at the pitiful little kids trying to get up the rock wall.

They can’t even get up the easy side. I thought to myself. I bet I could get all the way up the rock wall with one leg…

“One leg!” I think out loud.

“What are you talking about?” she looks at me confused.

“Climb up the rock wall with one leg!” I repeat.

“Uh, they couldn’t climb up the wall if they had eight legs,” she says still I little confused. We are the two oldest campers. I should be going to teen camp but during that week I had cheer camp. So I’m stuck where I am now with all the little people.

“Not them,” I mention to all the shimps standing in line. “me.”

After a long argument with Shannon then another one with my counselor I find myself standing in line. I look up at the twenty-some foot wall in front of me. Why am I thinking I can climb up this wall with one leg? What if I hurt my ankle more? For all I know it can be broke right now.

“Hey, it’s your turn!” this guy yells at me as he carefully lowers this shaking girl from mid air. I step into the harness and the girl grabs my ankle.

“Ouch,” I mumble under my breath and jerk away.

“Not to be rude or anything, but if that hurt and if you’re limping, you’re never going to be able to get to the top,” she says, rudely.

“Watch me,” I limp over to the guy who them attaches me to the rope.

I start my climb.

“Go Mykennah!” Someone yells as I’m halfway up the wall.

I grab onto the rock just above my head. My arms won’t stop shaking. I’m almost done. I can’t stop now. I think. I thought I was going to make it and I will. I grab another rock and another, pulling myself up with just my arms. My leg dangles. Useless. I bring up my left foot trying to find somewhere it can rest. I’m getting closer.

Seconds then minutes go by. I’m five feet higher. My arms start to shake. Only about two feet to go.

I let go of the wall with one arm and reach up as high as I can go.

The top.

Pulling myself up with the last of my strength, I ring the bell of victory and pull myself higher to kiss the pole;

My foot is planted safely on the ground and I limp over to the harness girl so she can get me out of this thing, I think about how bravery can be more than facing dragons or staying alone in the dark. It’s doing something you or others don’t think you can do. I smile at the harness girl.

“Told you.”

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