Role Model  | Teen Ink

Role Model 

June 10, 2022
By Jennamurray BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
Jennamurray BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone has that one special person in their life that you admire and think of when you make any decision. When asked, most people will say a famous singer, sports player, or influencer are their role model. If asked why, the normal response is “they make a lot of money”, “they have my dream job,”or “they have millions of followers.” While everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, I wish people could dig deeper to get an answer that is not just about money or fame than just money and fame. My role model is my older sister Julianna. Jules is a sophomore at the University of South Carolina, wears work out clothes or hoodies everyday, and her favorite color is blue. When thinking about it, Jules is nothing like the celebrity role models I just described, she is better than all of them. I know she doesn't have ten million dollars, five super bowl rings, or a million followers on Instagram, but she is still my role model. What you can't see from the outside is Julianna’s morals, integrity, and personality that sets her apart from others. As much as people think they know celebrities, we really don't know anything about them. I know Jules is responsible, kind hearted, and determined which are all qualities that I strive to be just like her in. From the beginning of my life, Julianna has always been in my life at my highest and lowest. She was always there to cheer me on in my accomplishments and build me back up when I had fallen short. Don't get me wrong, we do fight as all sisters do, but Jules is the one person that is constant in my life. From helping with my homework to letting me wear one of her shirts to go out in, I can't imagine my life without her. Then college rolled around the person that was constantly in my life became not so constant. The first few weeks of her getting settled into college that I dreaded had come. She had sorority rush, school work, and needed to learn how to navigate her way around South Carolina. Knowing this I thought I was just going to be an afterthought with her hectic schedule. However this was not the case, we Facetimed all the time and if we weren’t facetiming, we were texting. It really felt like she was still with me even though she was a flight or twelve hour car ride away. We were still consistent even though we were not around each other. Although our relationship seven hundred twenty one miles away is not perfect, we are always trying to help each other whenever we can. How our relationship is perfectly imperfect is what I love most and I admire is how she balances everything. The passion that she has for her school work, family, and friends shows me how I want to handle my life. I look up to her in a lot of aspects of my life because she is always there for me. Whenever I have trouble with school or friends she is always in my corner giving me the best advice. Now will I be attending the University of South Carolina, altering my wardrobe, and changing my favorite color to blue? No, probably not. However, I will be making an effort to be a more responsible, passionate, and determined person like she is. 

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