Painting | Teen Ink


May 30, 2023
By Dubling BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Dubling BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The tip of the brush glides in, slightly shaking from exhaustion, placing a small dot above his eye. The worn brush perched tightly in my hand, the pooled paint flows coating the surface as I delicately brush him. “A couple thin layers maintains the models detail, patience and consistency is key” - Jeremy Pillipow. Slowly; Meticulously; every stroke condenses the pallid green into a lush midspring forest. The decaying green and muddy brown animating his camouflaging cloak. A metallic paint covers the armor, only to be drowned in a dark green, and then wiped off to create a scratched painted armor look. The countless colors and techniques join together and combine to make a beautiful base coat, allowing for further refinement with highlighting, shading, and many more details. The rangers model flourishes with shadows and depth as an oil was is lathered onto him pooling to the recesses. Finally the initial colors are mixed with white create light highlights mimicing the sunlight illuminating him. At last a coat of clear varnish is lightly added on, preserving the golden demon standard model ranger. “Only 20 more,” I sigh, “YAAAAYY.”

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