Propelled by an Early Summer Wind | Teen Ink

Propelled by an Early Summer Wind

October 19, 2023
By 4allench SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
4allench SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The rushing water aggressively displaced at a high rate. The scorching sun beating down on us, off setting the cool water dancing up to us. The sails full from a powerful early summer wind propelling us down the lake planing off above the rushing water barely holding on to the restless boat beneath us. She is humming and groaning from the speed we were flying at. For one the moment everything slows, the water is moving but the boat is not. I take a look around spaced out, to take it in. The ever so green trees fresh from the heavy spring rain dance in the new early summer wind. The rushing water moves with us as we race down the lake skipping over the cool blue waves from the winter ice melting only a few months ago. My mind wanders further from the sailboat race I am currently involved in. Only a few months ago this lake we are gliding over was covered with a thick, frigid layer of ice. On top of that covered by fairy dust snow making it the perfect winter wonderland. The winter changes nature into something just as beautiful as the summer just now with soft water we can play boats on. Instead of hockey or ice fishing. The nature of the lake changes with the seasons, making it hard and unforgiving to soft and frolicing. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about nature and sailing in the summer time and the lake in the winter as well. 

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