Final Exam Project | Teen Ink

Final Exam Project

May 28, 2024
By 4slottke BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4slottke BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hi future self, I hope you are doing well!. You are going to do really good things in your life and hopefully do some good for the world. Maybe you will go through a zenith moment in your life in your future. I hope you get a good job and make lots of money. 

I'm currently working on my final exam project for comp. I graduate in 4 days! Isn't it crazy how fast time goes by. It feels like just yesterday I was starting my first day of freshman year and I was so nervous to be in highschool finally. Now here I am 4 years later and I'm about to be done. To think that this year was filled with so many last “firsts”. Last first football game, last first senior sunrise, last first day of school, last first senior skip day.  

How is life going in the real world? Is cosmetology school going alright? Did you make it through? Thankfully I made it through highschool, even though I never thought i would reach this point in my life. I'd always tell myself, You can't do this, give up. But I didn't give up and now big accomplishments are happening. You should be pretty proud of yourself! Are you and Julianna still friends? God I hope so, she's the only person that I could really ever tolerate. I hope you go and visit her at school all the time so she doesn't forget about you… we're good for eachother. 

High school was one hell of ride and I'm actually kind of sad that it is coming to an end. It was a really good learning experience and I discovered lots of things about myself! I hope that cosmetology school has the same effect and you continue to grow. High School was kind of like trying to climb a mountain that is covered in boulders. It's really tough to get through until you reach the top and then basically from there it's a smooth ride. 

I hope that your life is going just the way you hoped it would and that you found a good man that treats you well. Also I know that right now I never want to have kids but has that changed? I hope life is going better for you now and that you found yourself. These past few years have been tough on you but sitting here now, realizing that you've atleast made it this far gives me some positivity. Always remember you are stronger than you think you are. Anyways I hope that you are doing well and that you do some good things for yourself and the world! 

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