Alex | Teen Ink


June 12, 2024
By AidenLee BRONZE, Seoul, Other
AidenLee BRONZE, Seoul, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Alex was born with severe astigmatism. Early on, he wore thick glasses that would magnify his big brown sparkling eyes. After breaking several pairs of glasses (which were expensive with his prescription), he was always cautious. As Alex grew older, he knew sports wasn’t his thing. He enjoyed reading books and going on nature walks. Naturally, Alex became introverted and reflective. He loved seeing what others couldn’t see, finding his secret spot in the trail that towered magnificent trees with birds chirping in accord in their nests. 

Alex had two visions. One where he can see clearly with his thick blue glasses and the other where the world becomes blurry and hazy with his naked eyes. Seeing the night lights in the bustling metropolitan area, the blur of buildings and streetlights reminisced a peculiar beauty. It was as if he was immersed in a world of live van Gogh’s Starry Night. The abstract scenery gave him a sense of comfort. After all, when Alex sees the world clearly, he also sees the dangers, pains, and ugliness, the parts that he wishes he didn’t see. 

When Alex enrolled in high school, he was eager to find his passions. He loved all of them. Math, science, literature, social studies… Yet nothing captivated his heart more than environmental science during his junior year. The class combined a little bit of every academic discipline, and his appreciation for nature made him tune into what science had to say about climate change. The more he studied and learned to analyze the data, it gave the clearer lens to see the ominous calamities waiting for humanity. Clarity was uncomfortable; it stirred emotions and prompted actions against inertia. 

He looked around, and many didn’t care. Frustration mounted as Alex realized that his friends saw the future as a distant blur. Blurriness gave plenty of room for selective interpretation, providing plenty of reason for nonchalance. Yet just because it was blurry, the reality of the environmental issues still existed sound and clear.

Though it baffled him, Alex understood the comfort of a blurry vision. Yet, with humanity at stake, he knew it was time for everyone to put on the glasses that would see the pain and the ugliness of irresponsibility. In a desperate attempt to make them understand the urgency of what is about to loom Alex decided to weave his visions into a novel. He believed that a compelling narrative could bridge the gap between his clear foresight and their blurry indifference.

Late nights turned into early mornings as Alex poured his heart into the novel. Characters representing different environmental aspects came to life, and the plot unfolded with a sense of urgency. He hoped that through storytelling, he could provide a clear set of lenses that exposes the urgency of the situation.

Upon completion, Alex eagerly shared his novel with his friends. Some dismissed it as mere fiction, failing to see the connection between the narrative and real-world environmental issues. However, others began to grasp the gravity of the situation. The characters and events in the novel resonated with them, slowly lifting the veil of indifference that had clouded their perception of the future.

As discussions sparked and awareness spread, Alex's frustration transformed into a sense of accomplishment. The power of storytelling had made the future tangible for his friends, transcending the limitations of their blurry visions. The once-isolated student found himself at the center of a community that had awakened to the realities of climate change.

In the end, Alex realized that while the future might remain a blur for some, the act of sharing his visions through storytelling had brought clarity to those around him. The novel became a catalyst for action, uniting a group of friends in a shared commitment to address the impending environmental crisis. In the balance between perception and reality, Alex found a way to navigate both his blurry present and the crystal-clear visions of the future.

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