The Christmas Cookie | Teen Ink

The Christmas Cookie

August 28, 2009
By Anonymous

The Christmas Cookie

I could taste the rich brown sugar in the hot squishy homemade oatmeal cookies. Each bite was like I died and went to heaven. The cookie slowly dissolved in my watering mouth. And then, it was suddenly gone. They dissapeared before my eyes and it was as if they had never been there before me. The hand that had held a cookie a moment ago now held the empty air.The only trace of them was the rich sugary smell that steamed up from the kitchen.

I slowly woke up from my heavenly dream. At first I thought that I was still smelling the cookies from my dream, but then I sat up from my bed and realized that the incredible smell was real. I threw back my covers, slipped on my fuzzy slippers, and ran downstairs to the kitchen. I turned the corner, seeing the beautifuly decorated Christmas tree. Then I turned again and saw my mom stirring the batter. I smiled then turned to the hot oven where the first batch of cookies were laid. I licked my lips. I was ready to have those cookies, but my mom gave me a look to wait later.

I faced back to the oven, feeling the warmth from the glass. I could see the cookies. They were just starting to rise. Soon they would be golden brown. I forgetfully touched the oven glass. I quickly pulled it away with burning fingers. I had waited for a whole year for these cookies, and if I had to wait I would. Every Christmas Eve, my mom makes her delicious oatmeal cookies.

I waited for prbably fifteen minutes sitting in front of that oven watching the mushy cookie dough turn into wonderful cookies. I flinched when the oven beeped. YES! The cookies were done! My mom got the oven mits and pulled out the tray. When the oven door opened, the whole house filled with the smell. It smelled like someone had sprayed oatmeal cookie purfume.

After the cookies cooled, my family and I each got a glass of cold milk to go with the steamy cookies. My sister and I had three to four, and regreted it later. Every year we get excited for these cookies, and every year we will eat too many. :D

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