Running | Teen Ink


January 11, 2010
By Wdh110 SILVER, Houston, Texas
Wdh110 SILVER, Houston, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a hot humid day and the sun was shining bright. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through me. This was my last event. If I could win this race I would win state. The moment was here the coach raised his gun and fired. I was off. Sprinting as fast as I could. I was sprinting towards the finish line I was almost there. Sweating, my heart beating out of my chest. I could hear the faint sounds of the crowd yelling, “ go,go,go!” It was great the feel of the wind and the excitement of winning state. I looked to my left and saw my rival keeping in step with me. Tiffany had been my rival since first grade when she stole my favorite peach scented marker, and in 5th grade when she stole my boyfriend. She passed me up. I used all the strength I had left and beat her to the finish line by .45 seconds. I had one state my dream had come true. I was ready to brag I walked over to Tiffany very nonchalantly. She was on the ground resting from the race. I looked down at her and I rubbed it in her face. I had unleashed all of those years of hatred in one moment of vengeance. I was very content with myself as Tiffany sprinted away. The tears falling from her round ocean blue eyes could fill the Grand Canyon. I looked over at my friends for their acknowledgement of the act of revenge I had just committed. My best friends looked me rite in the eyes and walked away their heads shacking with disappointment. I could already imagine the rumors they would mix up in their creative heads. That was when I new its not important who wins the race because in the end after the fame, titles, and trophies in the end if you have nothing left but material possessions and titles then you know you did not really win because you have lost your friends.

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