Dear my Unborn | Teen Ink

Dear my Unborn

May 4, 2010
By hunni BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
hunni BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

May 4, 2010
Dear my unborn,

I am writing this letter four weeks before you come into this world. It seems like yesterday when I first found out that you were inside me. You don’t know how scared and nervous I was, but I knew you were a keeper.

The first time I felt you moved was so weird, but at the same time I loved it. I like it when I touch you and you quickly moved to the other side. It is so indescribable. It seems so unrealistic that you are actually mine; I still cannot believe that a part of me is growing inside of me. I really haven’t come to terms with the fact that I am going to be a mother and a mother forever. This whole thing has been emotional for me. I am not sure that I’m truly ready for this tremendous responsibility but I am going to try my hardest to be the best mother to you as possible. Even though at times I might get frustrated with you when you constantly cry and I wont know what to do, but I am still going to be a good mother to you.

Soon before I know it you will be here and I will be a mother to a precious baby boy who I call demarkus just like his father. I already kind of figured out your personality, you are up all morning and night so I know it would be best to get the most sleep during day. I know that you like to kick a lot so I might have to save some money to put you in karate classes when you get older.

I want to teach you all you need to know. How to forgive, how to become a good human being, how to be carefree, and mostly how to love unconditionally. I promise you that when you come out, life will be a bit different than it has been for you during the last nine months. Even though you may have felt extremely safe in the womb, your father and I have made every effort to keep you just as safe when you het here. I already love you so much and I cannot wait until you get here.

Love you always,


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