Anna | Teen Ink


May 1, 2008
By Anonymous

Anna was born in Jefferson October 22, 2003.Right now she is 4 years old. She is my sister. She loves to play with horses, dolls, cars, and Dora toys.

Her favorite things would have to be her princess blanket, goldfish crackers, and cereal. She is the best sister I have ever had, although she is the only sister I've ever had. We have a lot of fun every day, even when we fight. There are a lot of things that we have in common. We both love kittens and dogs. We like the same kind of cereal. We love to swim and jump off of the trampoline into the pool. We like to help our dad decorate for the holidays. We love to celebrate each other’s birthday and give each other gifts. In the summer, all we do is hang out together. That’s when we watch movie after movie and then go swimming. We will even swim when the water is freezing cold. She loves to swim on her back and tummy. She loves to play with beach balls in and out of the pool. When the pool isn’t up, we mostly play on the computer together. When at home, we take turns watching TV. Unfortunately, when we go to the bowling alley and we're not bowling, we love to play on the touch screen. She is in pre-school now and next year she will be riding the bus in the morning with me. She loves to ride in my grandpa’s big truck. Her favorite snacks would be: chocolate ice cream, gummies, and hot dogs. She loves chocolate milk. She wishes she could have it all the time. Some people think that she is just adorable, cute and nice, but when people say that to us we joke around and say, “You can have her for free, but in a minute you’ll want to give her back,” but most of all she Is the best sister in the world (in my opinion).

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