Pucker-Up-Babe | Teen Ink


March 19, 2008
By Anonymous

A kiss. . . so simple , so glorified, so desensitized, so boring right?


The kiss is the single most beautiful act one can perform. And just to clear the water, when I say kiss I don�t mean a short and peck on the cheek, or deep lustful kissing. When I use the word kissing I mean.

That single moment of pure bliss
when two souls meet for two seconds
that is a true blue kiss
to love this act always beckons

I�m talking about a single pure sustained lip kiss. Simple, beautiful, mysterious. Nothing can surpass it, nothing can compare, all else falls short.
It is that moment in which all else falls away. When the brain seems to be on fire, when you feel lightning in your veins. The beating of your own heart drowns out all sounds. Or is that really your heart? Could it possibly be theirs?
That is a kiss. That is happiness. That is. . . that is love. In its truest bluest form.

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