Gulf Shore Bake | Teen Ink

Gulf Shore Bake

December 17, 2007
By Anonymous

The sun high in the sky; it was so hot the sand was almost unbearable to the touch on my bare toes. For lounging on the hottest day, I have to put sun screen on. My parents weren’t too worried about me because I have never really been burned before. To be on the safe side, I put SPF 60 on.
In Gulf Shores, Alabama; it was a relaxing day on the beach and I was swimming in the warm Gulf water. We spent the whole day relaxing, so when it was getting dark we went back to our camp site for dinner. When I got up from lying on my towel, I felt a little warm, but it was normal for being in the sun.
Even with all of the heat, I put a sweat shirt on at the site. I felt so cold, in 75 degree weather. I didn’t feel like myself, so I went to lie down. That night, I felt something running down my face. I got up to get a tissue, in the process I managed to wake up everyone in my family. I had blisters all over my face. I had gotten burned. Burned horribly.
The next day when we were shopping, people would stare at my horribly burned face that was now peeling. I looked like a lizard. My parents tried to make me feel better by buying a visor that I could wear. It did help. I forgot that I looked terrible until we went to out to dinner. When the waitress took one look at me asking, “Honey, what happened to your pretty little face?” in a heavy sympathetic southern tone, I turned to my mom with tears in my eyes.
The vacation in Gulf Shores was an interesting one. But, it showed my family will always be there for me, even in something as small as a burned face. That’s more than an individual could ask for in life; a loving, supportive family.

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