Music Is My Life | Teen Ink

Music Is My Life

December 19, 2007
By Anonymous

Quarter Notes, Half Notes, Whole Notes, Dotted Quarter Notes circling my head thinking of music. Meet the thing that matters the most to me. I have been around music all my life, I like all kinds of music from Gospel to Country. I breathe music.

There are many musicians in my family and they are very talented I also happen to be one myself. I have been playing the drums for about 16 years. Yes, I have been playing ever since I was one year old. I grew up in a Baptist church on the Westside of Chicago. My brother and uncle showed me how to better myself as a musician Music has played a very big part in my life. It has helped me stay on the Honor Roll every since 1st grade and it has not let me down as of right now. When I became a Carl Schurz High School student, I was placed in the National Honor Roll Society for a grade average of a 3.4.

Music has helped me get my attitude together. In my life, I have been through a lot of things because of my attitude and how I use to carry myself , but music has showed me another path to go and I have been using it faithfully. When I see many of my friends doing wrong I don’t go and follow them I do what I have to do In life to better myself. This makes me feel a lot better to know that I’m doing the right things in my life as a young man.

Also, at the same time, it has improved the relationship with my family ever since it has been apart of my family life. We have been closer than ever we have been doing many things as a family like going shopping, cooking together, talking, just being nice to each other at all times.

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