Writer's Block | Teen Ink

Writer's Block

November 15, 2007
By Anonymous

My mind is like a car without fuel. I’m sitting in Ms. Stein’s Writer’s Workshop class staring at a blank, digital page. Maybe I should write about the immaturity of some students in this class, or maybe how loud the clickity-clack’s of the keyboards are… No, those topics aren’t volatile enough. Perhaps I should write another poem about nature, or a narrative poem about procrastination… Nah I did that already. If I type one sentence down, maybe that will spark an idea and I’ll add on that.

My mind is like a car without fuel…

My mind is like a car without fuel. Wow, who could write about that? How am I supposed to add on a mind that runs on fossil fuel? Maybe the words that I speak could compare to pollution. Ha! That would be a funny story… until my words caused global warming and induced the melting of the polar ice caps… Yeah, no, I can’t write about that. It’s too political. Perhaps I can write about the things I am currently doing.

I’m sitting in Ms. Stein’s Writer’s Workshop class staring at a blank, digital page…

…staring at a blank digital page… That’s pretty dumb. I don’t think anyone wants to read about someone who stares at a blank Word document. Maybe I can write about what’s going through my mind at this moment… I know what to write about now!

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