Lived and Written | Teen Ink

Lived and Written

December 30, 2007
By Anonymous

Gracefully, a heavy tear rolled down my rosy cheek and was absorbed by the thick quilt, which was attempting to keep my anxious body warm. My warn-down eyelids tenatively made their sloth-like speed down to meet with the rest of my exausted body. Just before completely giving myself away to the peaceful and inviting stages of hit me, like a ton of bricks. The excruciating pain surged all the way through my body, even to the ends of my fingertips, making it feel as if I were being electrocuted. Racking my body from all angels, making me toss and turn until the pain was so great that there was nothing left to do except to live through the tormenting and intolerable pain. Thankfully, it left, but kept my nerve endings screaming and acheing, from my back, to my hips, and partly down my theighs. This, sadly enough, kept me weeping and yet praying all the way through the most agonizing years of my life.

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