The Clique | Teen Ink

The Clique

April 8, 2012
By amberbuggzz BRONZE, Parkersburg, West Virginia
amberbuggzz BRONZE, Parkersburg, West Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Go hard or Go home!<br /> It&#039;s the win from within

The clique written by Lisa Harrison, is about thirteen year old Claire Lyons. She and her family moved from Orlando, Florida to Westchester, New York to stay in her father's old college buddy's guesthouse. This family is very rich, they have just about anything and everything, including the most popular girl in Octavian Country Day school -OCD for short- Massie Block as their daughter. Claire and Massie are the same age but they are like night and day -completely opposite. After taking one look at Claire with her Gap clothes and the fact that she has to stay in her guesthouse. Knowing that Claire doesn't have any money, Massie knew that they could never be friends. Massie and her three best friends Alicia, Kristen, and Dylan did everything they could to make Claire's life the worst it could ever be. Especially since it's her first day going to OCD, with no friends for support or anything. Will Claire find a new friends at this new school? Does the four best friends succeed with their plan to make Claire's life horrible? Or will Claire be strong enough to take on the other girls harsh comments and throw back some of her own?
The Clique is the first book of many in its amazing series. I have read most of the series and the books keep on getting better and better! This book is perfect for teenagers who love drama and is into a little bit of romance. When reading the book, I knew what the character's feelings, thoughts, and plans throughout the entire story. This book compares our life and how high school can be tough surrounded by cliques. This book is a MUST READ!!

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