Scars Tell a Story | Teen Ink

Scars Tell a Story

November 16, 2012
By Anonymous

I believe that scars tell a story. Everyone has scars, whether they are on the body or in the heart.

All scars tell a story. They tell a story of how they came to be and what they remind the people of whom have them. In order to understand and hear those stories, you have to be able to see what’s hiding behind the smile and the pain hidden within the eyes. Most people have pain they hide whether it be emotional or physical. When the pain goes it leaves a scar.

People express their pain in different ways, which is why some scars are visible and some are hidden. I see scars differently than most because I have many on my body and in my heart. Even though some of my scars tell more of my story than others, they all make up part of my full story.

I’ve faced a lot of hardship at an early age. They have all lead to the downward spiral I’ve been in for five years now. My physical scars on my arms and legs tell stories of self-inflicted wounds caused by pain I didn’t know how to handle and still don’t some days. I have spent the past five years battling a depression. I have been losing this battle because I feel alone when I’m home amongst my family. I have been lucky and found friends who have become my family, who care about my story and have been there for me in my darkest times. I am so lucky to have them all in my life because they saved me from myself and have been helping me to get better and be better so I can be happy.

Although my story is important to me, it isn’t why I believe what I do. It’s the stories of all the people who have experienced pain and have the scars to prove it. Every story is significant. The people living them may not agree, but I’ve been one for a long time. Sometimes people always feel their stories aren’t important because no one has taken the time to notice their pain or scars. They aren’t asking for attention or anything like that, all they want is to know that someone cares.

One day I hope to help many with stories filled with pain or who have scars be able to see that there are people who care and want to hear their story and help them get better. I believe that scars tell stories of people’s pain because the scars show me that people have stories that need to be shared to help them get better and to let them know I care.

The author's comments:
This is a really personal piece that I wanted to share. I hope it inspires other people to stay strong.

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on Apr. 28 2013 at 1:06 am
AlaskaGirl GOLD, Klawock, Alaska
11 articles 4 photos 147 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Screw the shining armor. I will take my man in dirty camo any day"

Hey, I really like this I can relate to it so well. Stay strong hun. Everything gets better. :)