Going Downtown! | Teen Ink

Going Downtown!

December 18, 2008
By Anonymous

When I got Shipped off to New York City last summer was really the first time I had ever been to a city, besides Salt Lake City. The flight was painful, watching the television in the back of the seat I was unable to get a wink of sleep. Seeing the sun go down and rise back up without sleeping, that is a weird experience. As we landed on JFK airport, and got onto a shuttle the warm New York breeze splashed against my face. The airport buildings are not all together; we had to take many shuttles just to find my bags. This was not helped by the fact that we, the 3 stooges, couldn’t find our way around anything.

We were early to our hotel, so we stayed in Central Park for a little bit. The amazing trees, ponds and every thing that was going on there created at breath taking scene.

This was the first time I ever saw so much diversity in race. Looking around and seeing more black people then I had ever seen in one glance. Not just African American, but Africans. Crazy people, hobos, middle eastern men and women so many new colors of people. All new realities for me, I had never really seen so many different people.

Even though their skin color was different from mine, we are both human, and soothing but.

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