a Dark Animal World | Teen Ink

a Dark Animal World

December 6, 2014
By MollySalas123 BRONZE, Chapin, South Carolina
MollySalas123 BRONZE, Chapin, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Take life one step at a time , because the faster you run through it , the less breath you will have.

                           Do you know what animals go through everyday from dawn to dusk in our regular American households?  We think that since we have an higher intelligence level than animals  that automatically means we are dominate over the world , but  when actually that animals could easily push us off the face of the earth . Animal abuse is currently in action in every country on the globe , animal abuse is gonna stop one way or another! When you are giving a puppy or kitty cat away , there has to be rules. Dogs , Cats , even elephants are being treated like they have no souls or not even a beating heart , its almost inhumane to even think of these acts and let me tell you , they are gonna stop.  Did you know that in other countries they sacrifice animals and eat them for religious rituals , they don't care about animals , when animals need the best  care and the love in this world.
   Fashion shows , cages , ropes , are all used for animal abuse , In Animal Fashion Shows around world , people use dyes that are not made for dogs and ruins their fur and also irritates their skin , humans that use their dogs and cats in fashion shoes shave them and also shaves some of their skin off so that their fur would not grow back for eternal good looks . These organisms on this Earth have souls , beating hearts , and flowing blood just like humans , we believe just because we have higher intelligence means that were automatically superior. (Stephen Watson Pg.43) . Animal owners are expecting these poor animals to forget their original animal instincts , no hunting , no running free ... we trap animals that were born to be wild . Animals have flowing blood and instincts to chase that rabbit or squirrel , or to protect that house , to bark , to growl , to jump , to be excited , Humans don't like when we are not aloud to do what we want , so whats our place to take away what they enjoy , what are their rights? nothing . Every year in Canada , humans go to the ice sheets and club 250,000 new-born seals for fur and meat , because baby seal have their little chunky bodies ( Chris manson , pg.53 ) .   
                                      Animal Abuse causes many untreatable illnesses to animals , and  Physical marks such as internal bleeding , external bleeding , bruises , cuts , infection , hearing loss , sight loss , mental damage and mobile disabilities also  much , much more . The humans that abuse them sometimes have drinking or smoking issues , in which they are mad at themselves and then they take it out on living animals . Mostly they use animal abuse for “fake punishment” in which they will abuse a dog or cat or any household or wild animal and beat them and for excuse they use “they were bad” (Nick Trenor , Pg.96) . Dogs and Cats don't exactly heal at the same rate that humans do such as they need severe medical care and surgery  when they break an arm or leg , which humans will get an X-ray and if its broken they slap a cast right on there (Nick Trenor , pg.34) . Dogs Nor cats or any type of animal or insect on this earth deserve to be beaten and abused and worst of it , to have their lives taken by a person who didn't have a heart like one they deserve. Cows are killed daily for our selfish needs , when there are many substitutes for protein and other fats that contain things you need for everyday life . Earths first beings were not human , they were wild animals , more reptiles and mammals . A higher intelligence level for a human brain does not make us superior , there can be very stupid people in the human race , and very smart animals in the animal species , we are all the same inside , no different (Stephen Manson , pg.104) . In the United States the decade from the 2,000’s was the worst , 2005 was a dark year for our little furry friends , in the year 2005 , the average of 64,864 animals were killed do to animal abuse .  Stereotype , a silent but awful killer , such as pit bulls ,  and german shepherds and even certain kinds of cats that are not the cutest , people thinks that since there  are mostly mean and other negative traits that are made up of most of the species , they automatically think that they are bad as well just because of the dogs and others breeds close to it is bad , every animal is different.              
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Maine is supposed to be the most peaceful state of these great united states , but maine is guilty for more than 6,973 deaths and 12,078 wounded in cause of evil acts of animal abuse , thats way too much for supposed the most peaceful state in the U.S.A . now a lot of people wish to take this evil to just fade away , but it takes time and work to make something happen , to make a dent in the world . Organizations such as P.E.T.A are doing their part to make their difference because they care  about the lives of the animals , because they have noticed that their lives do matter . There are many options and solutions we can make and create on this planet to make the animal abuse rate go down , but many americans are obese and lazy to lift a finger to help the dog next door with 3 legs . The U.S.A. shows freedom for people , but its time to give some freedom to animals! Scientist are getting better about caring about animals throughout the year , but also figuring out ways to sleep through the shame and make animals die more quickly so they don't feel any pain except when it starts , Scientists for new products that the test with animals are now using bigger needles to practically jam right into their main blood stream and eject all the liquid for diseases or other testings for tests , the results come faster and they die more quickly (pg. 81 , Stephen Watson). The animals they use for testing are actually dying out because they use 1000’s of animals for testing and the snake or bunny or rat population is dying out , most of those are a big prey for other animals , so animal testing is  getting people mad , also knocking ecosystems off its balance , those animals help wood grow better , flowers grow better , they make many materials that we use in everyday life better , but when they die out its causing the materials to be without pollen or without growth at an ok rate , animal testing will make the materials go bad , in which industries have nothing to make their products causing them to go out of business , making there a high level of job loss which put many families in risks of surviving or dying .
         Animal abuse is a very serious thing that can make big industries go out of business , people die and lose jobs , for more animals to die because their ecosystem got knocked off balance , all because of the cold hearted people who put that needle in and taking an innocent life that never deserved to be took . So many tears , and pep-rallies also campaigns for animal abuse to be stopped , we are not taking our time out for it not to even make a dent , we are not doing this for no reason , we are fighting for their right that they will always deserve . It is not our place to take a life that is just as valuable as ours , fight for the right to make their lives bright .

-Molly Ann Salas 

The author's comments:

I  want all rights for animals cause i know they deserve it , fight for a right to make their life bright.

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on Feb. 9 2015 at 3:14 pm
MollySalas123 BRONZE, Chapin, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Take life one step at a time , because the faster you run through it , the less breath you will have.

omg , this is amazing!!