Funny Family | Teen Ink

Funny Family

December 19, 2014
By m_kopecky5 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
m_kopecky5 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No one seems to understand how my family functions. A bunch of adults that act like children. My father, the most sarcastic, is more like a best friend. My brother, who never takes anything seriously, is constantly making me laugh. Me, the youngest, the most witte to deflect the sarcasm of the others. Lastly, my Mother, a weird sense of humor that can be funny, fancy, and fierce. Each personality different, like a herd of cows; we all look the same but act different. As funny as a stand up comedian. Always cracking another joke. Not heard of if a joke can’t be made about it. Each hilarious in our own way.

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