Euthanize Testing not Animals | Teen Ink

Euthanize Testing not Animals

February 13, 2015
By ValerieB13 BRONZE, Essex, Vermont
ValerieB13 BRONZE, Essex, Vermont
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Think of the everyday household or “life” products you might use: laundry detergent, cosmetics, prescription drugs...Have you wondered how these products were tested? How do we know they work or are safe? Animals. Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in U.S. labs every year as a result of companies testing their products on animals. 

So, think again. Instead of what, consider thinking about “who” your new medication might have been tested on.
Animal testing of any kind is a heinous and useless process that should be stopped. Not only is this process sickening, but the pain and suffering inflicted on test animals can be eliminated through the use of alternative research methods.
These methods can replace all uses of animal research. One example is of a new method of research which is called “Organ on a Chip”.  It is a “micro device that has the potential to replace animals for the testing of drugs and toxins. The device, which is lined by human cells, mimics the mechanical and chemical functions” of the body's systems. “This invention also creates different levels of tissue and organ systems with high resolution and real-time imaging.” This “provides a window into the inner workings of the human organs without harming animals.” (Wyss)
Although organ on a chip is a remarkable system, there are also other ways that can help to end animal testing. Another alternative? The use of human stem cells can replace the horrific effects of live animal testing. Not only can scientists find and conduct curative medical treatments using these cells, but this approach provides a new and exciting way to perform tests with more accurate results. These two alternative methods are a few of many and are the way to go to create safer and more adept results without causing pain to animals. Alternative research methods are the solution to eliminate animal testing. 
Currently, many labs that test on animals do so without properly regulated laws that inflict unnecessary cruelty. “In 2004, a 10 year old chimpanzee named Dover died from overheating due to improper ventilation in a stainless steel box with solid flooring, roof, rear, and sides during transit at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center” (Neavs). Not only are animals kept in inhumane conditions at testing centers like Yorkers, a thousand dollar fine will not do any damage to a multi million dollar animal research facility. The lack of oversight and ineffective fines does not improve the welfare of these test animals. Some tests in these centers, like the LD50 (lethal Dose 50), which is the determination of the dose of a substance that kills at least 50 percent of the animals it was tested on, kills so many animals in a completely pointless test. 
The FDA or (Food and Drug Administration) stated that 92% of all drugs that are advertised as being safe and effective in animal trials, fail in human. So not only are animals treated terribly, but the results from animal tests are unreliable and may not even have the same effects on humans.
Although the SDA, AWA, and the IACUC “insure”, that there is humane treatment of animals in labs, there are multiple loopholes. For example, “While the AWA requires researchers to provide anesthesia or pain-relieving medication [to regulated animals] to minimize the pain or distress caused by the experiment…they can withhold anesthetics, painkillers, and tranquilizers if deemed scientifically necessary"(Neavs). So, in theory, if scientists have a good enough “explanation” of why an animal should not have painkillers, then the animal can suffer and there will be no consequences.
  Another example of a loop hole is: “While the AWA specifies that researchers … avoid or minimize discomfort, distress, and pain to the animals, procedures that cause pain and distress merely require that the principal investigator has considered alternatives to (those) procedures” (emphasis mine)(Neavs). So, not only can scientists withhold painkillers, they can also say that an alternative, less painful, procedure was not available and that the animal’s pain was necessary.
Overall animals are treated unfairly with improperly regulated laws that are supposed to protect them but have no such effect. Their suffering has no consequence and the people responsible have supposedly committed no crime. The multiple labs in the U.S. are abundant with animal cruelty and with laws like these, it's not stopping soon.
There's also major problems of how animals are different enough from humans that not all drugs that pass animal tests are necessarily safe. A study showed that of the 19 chemicals known to cause cancer in humans, only 7 caused cancer in standard animal tests. If test animals are not even able to detect chemicals that cause cancer, then imagine what would happen if a chemical far more lethal to humans passed animal tests...hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people could be exposed to this chemical without ever knowing. The risks of animal testing seems too great, yet it is still used for things people use everyday! Look in the mirror. Are you wearing any makeup, cologne, cosmetics? Have you ever even checked to see if the things you use daily were tested on animals? Big Brands like Covergirl, Redken, Olay, and Windex all test on animals. Do you or anyone you know own one of these brands? 
In 2004, an arthritis killer, called Vioxx, was withdrawn from the market. This drug was tested on animals and was “supposedly” safe. But not after causing 320,000 heart attacks and strokes, where as many as 140,000 were fatal. Multiple Studies have shown that there is a 5-25% chance of animal tests predicting correctly. This statistic is far worse than tossing a coin! So ask yourself. Why is animal testing necessary? It’s not efficient, safe, or helpful. So what was the worthwhile result of its being tested on animals? Did the ends justify the means?
Granting all this, some people may still argue that animal testing has contributed to many life saving cures. Example... “Experiments in which dogs had their pancreas removed led directly to the discovery of insulin, critical to saving the lives of diabetics.”(Procon)  Discoveries like these do save millions of people’s lives and create major advances in serious medical conditions. In spite of this fact, there are definitely some major downsides... “The 1950’s sleeping pill, thalidomide, caused 10,000 babies to be born with severe deformities,”and was released prior to a conformed “safeness” through animal testing. Even though the argument has some evidence, there are many big risks to humans, even after testing on animals. 
Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in U.S. labs every year. That is more than 12 times the population of New York City. With the alternative methods now available, the current useless and unjust laws regulating “against” cruelty to animals, and the continued high risks of failure in human subjects even after those tests, animal testing should be euthanized.

The author's comments:

Valerie is a writer who cares about animal rights and wrote this piece for her 8th grade language arts class.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 13 2015 at 12:24 pm
This is a very informative and well written article on the abuse of animals for experimentation. It is important to get information about alternative research methods to the public. Valerie clearly succeeded in doing this. Good job. N & G