Alien life | Teen Ink

Alien life

February 16, 2015
By bmm20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
bmm20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I think aliens are real based on planets in space, research on area 51 and Ancient aliens.
Area 51 is a research facility that was taken over by the government. Why did the government make a research facility there. Well  there was something flying in the air. No one saw the thing flying in till these farmers saw something crash land. The farmers claim it was a un human body. The farmers then called the government  then they came over and built a research facility.journalist Annie Jacobsen said “But in my reporting I also uncovered a reckless and dangerous side of Area 51, not involving captured aliens and UFOs as so many Americans believe” They still have not cleaned up that place yet or say whether or not it was a alien or not.
Space has evidence of life. Mars could have had life on it saying that it did have water. plus the three essentials to live such as oxygen hydrogen sulfur. There are other planets outside our solar system that supports life such as the Kepler planets. The Kepler planets are water planets or as scientist call it super earth. Because its a water planet it could have water breathing life. It is possible life can live here because they have a star just like our sun. We could never go there to find out if there's anything there because all of the Kepler planets are at least six light years away. “These planets are just like walking on earth on a cloudy humid day” said Newsela scientist William Borucki.
Who built the the egyptian pyramids. No human could build the pyramids because it would have took over 2,000 men to build that in 100 years just for one pyramide. For about 80 pyramids in the world that would be 8,000 years to build all that. It could have ancient aliens. It would have been a faster process saying that they would have to carve the sand stone. When thats all over they could lift it easier than humans could. Why because the aliens might have stuff that could lift easier like space ships. Plus how can a man lift 175 pounds for like 100 of them thats over 1,000 pounds for each person thats not good for your back nor your health.Plus many people would have died because of heat stroke starvation. Aliens might not need food or water so they can live for a certain amount of time. Thats why I think aliens built the pyramids. Plus all these cave drawings who drew them it could be humans who did it but it would also take forever to mine and get the stuff you need for those cave drawings. Then we have the ancient alien in space suit Giorgio Tsoukalos said “that aliens were space suits very close to the one apollo were when he went to space” That could be true thats how they got to earth        
aliens are real based on planets in space, research on area 51 and Ancient aliens. Keep looking out for stuff.

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