Two Fat Bass | Teen Ink

Two Fat Bass

May 19, 2015
By highroller28 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
highroller28 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones around. We are the only ones going for them. Two fat bass with strong cores and fat bellies. Amongst hundreds in the lake.  Two fat bass here to tempt us. From our boat, we can see them, but Ben doesn’t care about these things.

Their Strength is secret. They lay hidden grass beds beneath the water. They swim up and they swim down and claim the water and bite their prey and their dominance never slows. This is how they flow.
Let on forget his reason for being, They’d swim around all day like top predators, growing bigger as they feed. Strike, strike, strike bass do as they feed. They Eat.
When I am too tired and exhausted to keep casting, when I am an angler against the reflective lake. When there is nothing left to do but cast. Two fat bass tempt. Two who don’t forget to feed and fight. Two who are the only bass for me.

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