This I believe | Teen Ink

This I believe

January 23, 2009
By Anonymous

The whistle blows and there is another gasser to be run. I could start slow and jog my way through it but it is the stride to be a leader that makes me sprint the whole thing. As is sprint the gasser the team follows by example and works just as hard. The extra effort we put in that day helped us get the overtime win in the second week of the season. If you have ever put effort into something you love and got out what you wanted you know it’s the best feeling in the world.

My passion is and always will be football. All my life I have played sports. I have played football since I was in 5th grade and have been playing ever since. I ran track for two years just to stay in shape for football. Also I played basketball for two years just because I couldn’t stand not being involved in a sport. I don’t know what it is but the competition just fuels me and that passion can be translated to any activity I do.

On or off the field I always like to take pride in what I do. Keeping steady grades is one thing I happen to take pride in. If there is work that I am required to do then I don’t see any reason to not do my best on it. Of course there are days when I don’t want to do anything but that attitude will get you no where. The lazy attitude closes doors for a lot of new opportunities. Another thing I take pride in is being on time. I have had a job working at Safeway and Subway before and I know how people who show up late are treated. They are always looked down upon and eventually will be cut loose. Just that little extra sign of discipline can take you a long way.

As explained earlier it takes a lot of discipline to give up all that it takes to play a sport. Along with sports it takes discipline to always go to school. Also getting a job and maintaining one takes a tremendous amount of discipline. I am not saying that I am ready to be a disciplined soldier in the armed forces or anything. I am just saying I have enough discipline to handle myself as a college student.

With my love for sports, pride and discipline I believe I will be successful in any field I choose. Currently I plan on going into business and will succeed. If I am sounding overconfident I am only saying this because my determination is on another level. Basically I am just saying I will not fail.

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