Rednegsnart Backwards | Teen Ink

Rednegsnart Backwards

September 22, 2015
By dels.lemonade SILVER, Newbury Park, California
dels.lemonade SILVER, Newbury Park, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
All monsters are human.

“Got a secret, can you keep it? Swear this one you’ll save."
I heard a small noise, like a bee filled with happy. I looked over at the small, hand-held
computer that sat on the beige fluff covering my floor. It lit up and told me someone wanted to
be heard. I glided my thumb across the screen to set the voice free. It opened a door to a world
filled with words, love, and pictures. I gently touched the corner of this small universe that lived
in my phone. The portal to a place for people to speak directly opened up, and I went through.
I saw a single word whose tongue I did not understand, rednegsnart. I was lost, confused, and
muddled, for I couldn’t acknowledge what this was. I replied with the mark of a question, not
knowing what the response would be. Then he told me; the secret he kept locked up inside for
years. A wave of shock flowed over my entire body. I paused, not wanting to believe this; the
secret. How could he have kept it inside for so long? Bubbling and broiling, growing larger every
day. I spoke back to him with doubt, but he rejected it. My doubt wasn’t true, so the secret was.

A secret so powerful a precious, it had the power to change someone’s entire life. I looked over
at the giant, stuffed banana-eater I was sitting on, Russell Sprout the gorilla. I will not give the
identity of this secret, nor its owner. I just have to remember, T is for the name of the thing I will
not say. R is for the radiance he possesses throughout his entire body. A is for the shiny, red,
crisp object some may call an apple, that he once chucked at the wall with a great force during
the time which people eat their meals. N is for never giving up no matter what, we will always be
by each other’s sides through thick and thin. S is for silly, the characteristic for which he
possesses most. G is for glitter, sparkling and glistening in the sunshine, one of his favorites. E is
for ebony, a color not in his rainbow. N is for names, the making and selecting of. D is for
dramatic, a skill he has recently perfected. E is for the end; when it finishes, he will still be my
friend. R is for regular which he will always be, never an freak nor alien or monster. I will
always remember the captured moment in his life he decided to share with me and the important
colors it possessed. I will always remember rednegsnart and how some things in life are a little

The author's comments:

My best friend has recently told me he was becoming a girl. The story is about when my phone vibrated, I unlocked it, I opened Instagram, went to DM (direct messaging), and saw a single word, rednegsnart. He didn't want to say right away that he was trans, so he said transgender backwards instead.

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