Expectations | Teen Ink


January 10, 2016
By KamrynBlawn BRONZE, Chandler, Arizona
KamrynBlawn BRONZE, Chandler, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Society resembles the villain in a fairytale. It demands perfection and holds humanity to an unreachable standard. It is not enough to achieve, overachievement is the only thing valued in the public's eye. It causes doubt in beautiful people and makes them feel so very little. Stress, pressure, and standards are embedded into a person's mind like coding in a computer. But why must we stand for this? Why can't we choose happiness over perfection? This is a simple task that feels like crossing a canyon. You feel that if you choose to be imperfect then society won't accept you or that you will become a person walking North in a crowd where everyone else is walking South. Yet, if happiness is only achieved by letting go of the idea of perfection, then where is the problem with walking the opposite way? Society shouldn't dictate your life or rob you of happiness. If your life is already not where you want it to be because you seek perfection, then there is no risk in letting go. Your life can only get better. So I ask you…can you let go of trying to be perfect…can you let go of society's image of what a person should be…can you let go and choose to be happy? Because in the end, striving to be perfect doesn't make you a better person. So let go and refuse to let society win.

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This article has 1 comment.

gabby said...
on Jan. 16 2016 at 5:38 pm
Smart writing, especially because the author understands what true happiness can be.