Ideal World | Teen Ink

Ideal World

January 12, 2016
By MadisonA2 BRONZE, Jericho, New York
MadisonA2 BRONZE, Jericho, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I walked along the slippery rocks in the stream, my family and I couldn't help but wonder where my uncle was taking us. He invited us to his new home in Bainbridge, NY after he had explored his new and unfamiliar surroundings and found the most superb spot to show us. My uncle is a very outdoorsy person who loves taking my family to whatever “special” place he has found that week. It felt like we've been walking for hours and I was honestly starting to get annoyed of all the almost falls and slips off the scary rocks we had been walking on and just wanted to reach this spectacular place my uncle was raving on and on about. He said it reminded him of a movie, one of those beautiful honeymoon scenes on a charming island with the sun in the background lighting up every piece of land it touches and crystal clear water, so clear you can see the little tadpoles swimming around the bottom, dancing around your feet. I was bouncing up and down inside when he told me about. It sounded like my dream place. I always talked about going to a spot exactly as he described. As we walked and walked, I was growing a little skeptical, thinking he just imagined the whole thing and it wasn't as grand as he was making it out to be.

“Just a couple more minutes,” my uncle called from ahead. The stream was becoming a slightly bigger than before and you could hear heavy water falling like a pounding heartbeat from the world. The lush trees started to bend in the farther we went, not taking away any amount of sunlight on that outstanding day. Shards of light filled the closed space with unbelievable brilliance. Then finally, we had arrived.

Everything hit all at once. The view was captivating. The scenery had to be the most marvelous sight I had ever experienced in my entire life. The way the rocks and waterfalls both pushed back farther and farther, making the scenery extend far back. Right next to waterfalls were rocks climbing up as if to make a path for people to walk along the waterfalls and marvel at what Mother Nature had created. At the bottom of every waterfall were little deep pools that transformed into flat pieces of land I could stand on. I was astonished. I couldn't believe what was laid out before me. My eyes couldn't take in everything all at once. I was overwhelmed with emotions. Excitement, joy, and satisfaction that I had finally found a spot exactly to what I had always dreamed of. The rays of sunlight hit the water so perfectly and the way the trees isolated me from the world made everything complete. It was as if I was disconnected from the world and I was the only other person on the planet. Everything got washed away and all that mattered was taking in the scenery.

My uncle had been right; he had found the most dazzling place. My family had looked just as dumbfounded as I probably had. With a huge smiles and looks of bliss on all of our faces we climbed on wards into this little piece of heaven my uncle had introduced to us.

The author's comments:

In this writing I hope people will be more aware of their surroundings and just appreciate all of the nature around them. I hope they realize the beautiful in the little things. 

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This article has 1 comment.

Megan Dreiss said...
on Jan. 22 2016 at 12:39 pm
Loved it Madison!