Her Eyes | Teen Ink

Her Eyes

April 20, 2016
By Victor7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Victor7 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mother’s eyes. They are a soft brown color, like a new wood finish on a cabinet. Her eyes are like chocolate chips in a freshly baked cookie. You look into them and you see sincerity, love, laughter, and years and years of pain. Mental toughness, intelligence, and confidence take over with just a glance. My father’s eyes are like hazel puddles, after a rain storm hits a dirt field. A mix of green, brown, and just a touch of yellow show hard work of a man, that has been on this earth for more than half a decade. Then you see my brothers eyes. Dark brown naturally, but they become stained dark blue in a matter of seconds. Oceans flood his eyes to cover the distress, disappointment, and agony he has suffered. Remove the seas of blue and see a man who is lost, but is on the brink of finding himself again. My sister’s eyes, oh my sisters eyes. Her eyes are a mud stained river of sassiness, attitude, and fire. Behind the mud stained river of sassiness, attitude, and fire is a caring, charismatic, and courageous girl that’s always there.
Eyes so dark brown, you wouldn’t be called a liar if you said they were black. An eerie darkness showers my eyes like tar covering a driveway. Shyness, intelligence, and lack of emotion clutter my eyes like a messy room. Alyssa’s eyes. Her eyes wrap you in a fresh out of the dryer blanket. A smile grows ear to ear whenever you look into her beautiful eyes. They grasp a hold of you and never let go. Her eyes flood you with happiness and leave you breathless. Her eyes burst with love, care, and protection wrapped in a soft white cloud. Nothing can stop you from taking long gazes into them, and you wouldn’t want anything to stop you.

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