The Moonlight Fever | Teen Ink

The Moonlight Fever

October 17, 2008
By Anonymous

I knew that I shouldn't have fallowed him that night but I had no voice, my mind was blank. It was as if I was out of my body watching the whole thing. He lead me over to the dugout and he pinned me up against the wall once we were inside. I was screaming at him on the inside but on the outside I was saying "Keep going." I let him kiss my neck, then my cheak, and anywhere else he wanted. I just did what he ask. I didn't understand why but I just wanted to please him. I didn't even know him that well. It wasn't like we were complete strangers. I had seen him at football games, and we spoke a little at the Homecoming Dance but that night I figured everyone in my grade does this every now and then. I might as well do it too. As soon as it was over I just sat there...waiting for him to say something but he never did. I just sat there in the cold and let him walk away. It wasn't me though I am not the kind of girl who would do that. I blame it on the moon, in stories like this it always happens in the beutiful moon. They should call it the Moonlight Fever beacause you can't control anything it makes you sweat and terrified but you cant stop the things to come. I shouldn't have fallowed him that cold moonlight night...but if I could do it over I wouldn't change a thing because that mistake is just helped me grow stronger into who I am now.

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