A True Educator | Teen Ink

A True Educator

November 19, 2019
By Criversb15 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Criversb15 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To me, there’s a difference between a teacher and an educator. In my life, I’ve had many teachers—people who teach to get the job done. But, I’ve only known a few people I consider true educators. 

An educator has a purpose. Someone who is passionate. Someone who doesn't aim for every kid to get an “A,” but for growth and understanding. When I think about a person who fits these characteristics, one person comes to mind: Mr. Hessler.
Walking into Pre Calculus at Arrowhead High School the first day, I had my reservations. Other students told me, “This guy is a tough grader” and “Don’t expect to get an A.” These comments made me nervous. 

Was he going to like me? Am I going to dread this class all year? 

I sat down, nerves surging through my body. As the class progressed, I realized there was no need to worry. He explained how he could've been a millionaire, working for his best friend, yet he decided to teach. This caused me to gain a deep respect for him. Within minutes of hearing him talk, I knew he was going to be one of the best teachers. He talked with pure wisdom, but also with a splash of comedy. It was obvious Mr. Hessler was not new to the game of teaching. 

Weeks went on and I grew to know Mr. Hessler. I’d joke with him about my quiz grades, or how hard he grades the homework and labs. Although I joked, he could tell it bothered me. He said, “it's better you make these mistakes now than in college. I'm helping you in the long run.” In that moment, I realized he is a real educator. This is someone who cares about my future. This is someone who cares more about my success where it matters.

Although Mr. Hessler carries fantastic attributes with him, there is one thing that makes him stand out from the rest: his passion. When he talks about math, he radiates. He takes a subject that may be boring and turns it into something exciting and relatable to teens. He uses phrases like “junk,” “big ol brackets,” and “X and Y guy,” to make math exciting and add a bit of comedy too. He teaches with a purpose. Mr. Hessler wants every kid to walk out of the classroom each day smarter than they were before they walked in. 

I couldn't be more grateful to be Mr. Hessler’s student. He is wise, kind, giving, and most importantly genuinely cares for all his students. Every day I have a class with Mr. Hessler is a day well spent. He has prepared me for college, but he has also gone above and beyond and became someone I consider a friend. 

I hope everyone has a chance to have a teacher like Mr. Hessler. All it takes is one special teacher to give you the confidence that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. 

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