Mrs. Falkner | Teen Ink

Mrs. Falkner

November 19, 2019
By 1devries BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1devries BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Falkner is a mom, an art teacher at Arrowhead High School, and a trusted friend.  She came into class on the first day and introduced who she was, but she was modest and she was never looking for our approval, she is confident and strong willed.  She inspired me to make my art something I could be proud of, and pushed me to give her my best work.  

Mrs. Falkner is passionate, patient, and proud. She is not only passionate about art, but about making me a better person. Everyday she came to class excited to teach us a new principal, but continued to get to know us as people, making sure she knew the little things that were going on in our lives.  She is patient with each and every one of her students, she never got frustrated that we didn’t know what we were doing or that we messed something up. On each wall in her room she put our art up, she never discluded anyones no matter how bad theirs was, she showed me that we can learn something from everyone’s art. 

Mrs. Falkner is honest, hard-working, and helpful.  My friend came into her class crying after she failed her drug test, she just sat down and talked with her and made a plan as to how she was going to do better on the next one.  She helped us with our art and our lives outside of school. She never tried to make us someone we weren’t, but strived to bring out the best of our core qualities. 

Mrs. Falkner is trustworthy, thoughtful, and tenacious.  During my second semester I had her for art again and we called her mom or our therapist, she was always there for you without avail.  She was my confidant, no matter what I told her she would listen, give me advice, and show me the positive of each situation. 

Mrs. Falkner gave me a chance to not think about the stress of our next class or the test I had to take the next day, I just did art.  She showed me ways to make our art reflect our emotions or make it mean something to us. She pushed each one of us to do our best but never condemned me because it wasn’t perfect.  She pushed me to believe that there is no perfect in art, but that if it meant something to you then you had achieved her goal. I will never forget Mrs. Falkner and all of the lessons she has taught me, she made me a better person from the day I walked into her class. 

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