My Role Model | Teen Ink

My Role Model

November 19, 2019
By Anonymous

Dear Deputy Pete Freyer, 

I sincerely thank you for risking your life every day. I want to take the time to share my appreciation to you because I admire your work and your dedication to keep us safe every day in and out of school. I didn’t see you until the start of junior year but I still knew who you were at South Campus. Ever since I met you Junior year I knew that I went to a school where I felt safe to walk around and not feel threatened or unsafe.

Ever since I went to Arrowhead High School I have seen you nearly every day whether it be in the lunchroom, walking through the halls, or outside in your Chevy Tahoe. I specifically recognize your work on September 27th, 2018 when a friend and I witnessed two students hit by a vehicle near the football field. You were there within a minute to aid in the accident, and without you Cameron would not be sitting next to me right now. After this life-changing incident happened I never look at life the same again.

Recently you came into our business law class and explained what a “normal” day is like for a Waukesha Sheriff, and I don’t think people give you enough credit for what you do. You are here nearly every day watching over us to make sure we are safe and there are no threats to our environment around us. You define what it means to put others above yourself by doing things that benefit others more than they benefit you such as risking your life daily. 

I don’t think the vast majority of people respect or admire your hard working mindset, but I do. After being pulled over many times for speeding, drifting, and other unsafe activities I have started to become open minded to the fact that you and other officers are there to protect me and my life. I respect how you are trying to keep us safe when you are patrolling because without a role model figure such as you I would be getting into trouble every night until it's too late to go back in time and I end up hurting somebody.


T. Z.

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