Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

November 19, 2019
By w-cushing BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
w-cushing BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It began my freshman year when I met a man that I’ve not only grown to respect but also care for and listen to. It wasn’t just my first year in the Arrowhead High School lacrosse program but it was also his first year as the head coach. Throughout the next years, I watched him grow as a coach and motivate each and every one of his players, creating a bond that would never be broken. 

It was our first meeting when I realized that Coach Schweitzer wasn’t only going to be my coach, but a friend for life. Something he said to each and every player in that room was this: “I don’t care if we win or lose, I want each and everyone of you to walk away at the end of this season knowing you grew not only as a player but a person.” This showed me he cared about us as people, not just as players. 

He wasn’t just a coach to me; he was someone I looked up to. I cannot remember a time when he yelled at me for messing up. He only said, “keep your head up.” This created a mindset that gave me confidence knowing he believed in me. 

He taught me to be a better person inside of lacrosse but also in my community. He encourages me to volunteer in my community and give back; he’s taught me how to be a better person.

Coach Schweitzer has never been the person to tell me I’m doing something wrong; but instead, he suggests how to improve. There has never been a time where I felt the need to disrespect him; he always motivated and believed in me. 

There are times where not only I would struggle, but others as well; he didn’t yell at us and tell us we suck. Instead he would say, “I know you can do much better than that.” This gave all of us confidence to push on and make us fight for what we want.

Coach Scheweitzer, you gave us confidence and made us better people. I hope the best for you and your family. There isn’t anyone else more suitable to be a father than you. I want to thank you for being a leader to me and everything you’ve done for me. You created an environment I felt at home in. Not only did you create a second family for me, but you did this for everyone you coached in the past three years. 

Take what you have done for us and be the best father I know you can be. Although you are starting a bond with your new family, know the family you created for us will always be here. 

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