Educator of the year | Teen Ink

Educator of the year

November 19, 2019
By Anonymous

At the age of seven years old, I started playing hockey.  I have had multiple coaches throughout the years, but this one coach had a lasting impression on me.  Brian Ralfaski was my coach when I played with the U16 Green Bay Junior Gamblers. His hockey career inspires me.  He played in the NHL with the Detroit Red Wings and the New Jersey Devils. He also won three Stanley Cups during his career. Not only did he play in the NHL, but he also was a three time Olympic athlete winning two silver medals.  His mentorship has played an important role in my life. In becoming the person who I am today.

Towards the end of freshman year, I didn’t know what I was going to do for the following hockey season.  I was basically stuck because I didn’t make a before and after triple AAA team for high school. Then, my dad got an email from the Green Bay Junior Gamblers coach, Brian Raflaski.  He wanted me to come out to one of his spring skating sessions during the off-season. This made me feel that someone noticed me and believed in my abilities as a player  

The first skate I did with Coach Rafalski was challenging and difficult.  He had us do drills that I had never done before, but he explained everything and made me comfortable.  Even though he was tough, I knew I wanted to play for him next season because of his coaching ability. As I got to know him more,  I respected him and his coaching style. He believed in me and trusted me to play top line minutes even though I was one of the youngest kids on the team.  This improved my confidence which I have lacked in the past. He was a helpful person. He pulled me aside and corrected me if I did something wrong. That was my favorite quality about Coach Rafalski, he was there to push me and make me better.

I have had coaches throughout my playing career, but this one coach stuck out for me.    Coach Rafalski has made me a better person and a better hockey player. I was very fortunate to have a professional hockey player as a coach.  His story inspires me to keep working at my goals and never give up.  

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