Coach Steinbach | Teen Ink

Coach Steinbach

November 19, 2019
By Anonymous

It was 5:00pm on a gloomy Monday in the winter of 2017. The repetitive “boom” of a med ball slamming against the cinder wall shook the walls of Arrowhead High School’s weight room. After-school workouts had finished over an hour ago. What was I still in the weight room for? I was learning. I was a hostage at the mercy of Coach Geoff Steinbach, who was determined to get me to throw for the Track and Field team. I had never met anyone so knowledgeable, nor anyone who could make one simple movement so complex, so…fun! 

    I had never spoken to Coach Steinbach before that day (aside from the short persuasive talks he would give me if he caught me in the weight room). Even so, I felt comfortable around him. In fact, he made me more comfortable than I was with my own parents! I could ask him questions without getting anxious, I could joke around (as long as I focused when necessary), and I felt as though I was actually good at what I was doing (when, looking back, I was most certainly not). 

    I still was not sold on the throws team, so a couple of months went by where I wasn’t associated with throwing. Coach eventually found me, however, and before I knew it, he had me on the team throwing with people I would eventually call my friends. Though I was put on the team with only two weeks left in the season, my mind was opened to the world of throwing. 

    Three years later, Coach Steinbach is still the energetic, compassionate, encouraging, intelligent, and authoritative man whom I met freshman year. He has taught me life lessons, and motivated me to become a better person. He has taken me places I never dreamed of going. He lead me to a first place victory in two events at regionals, as well as a first and second place at sectionals, then he took me to state (he also lead the team to a first place victory in the shot-put at our outdoor conference meet). Although Coach may not know it, he has given me opportunities for my future. 

    College was a frightening monster, now it is a pet at the store whom I get to control and choose. Coach Steinbach helped me eliminate my fear of talking to people. He has shown me the bright, friendly side of my future. 

On days I just couldn’t throw right, Coach would encourage me, and tell me it was because of my attitude. He was right. This is the biggest lesson I’ve learned in my life: my attitude affects everything. Performance at work, school, in sports, my happiness, and ability are all affected by happiness. 

Coach Steinbach has provided me with the best future I could ask for, he has given me friends, unlocked my talent, and made me the man I am. Nothing I have accomplished today could be done without him. So thank you Coach, for never giving up on me.

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