Master Sergeant Jordan | Teen Ink

Master Sergeant Jordan

January 13, 2020
By DorseyJackson BRONZE, Middletown, Delaware
DorseyJackson BRONZE, Middletown, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       Think back to your years in school. Did you have that one teacher that you liked more than any other? Were they funny? Was their class easy? Was the class ever boring? Well, I have one teacher that stands out; his name is Master Sergeant Jordan. He is funny, easy to learn from and his class is not boring. 


       I think Master Sergeant Jordan should be the Educator of the Year because he is funny. He makes plenty of jokes, and it’s enjoyable to be in his class. He also laughes at some of the craziest things that we talk about in his class. For example, we were doing a presentation on current events in which a student was presenting on a home invasion. This is normally not a funny topic; however, if someone were to break into his house, it would not be a good day for them. Lastly, Master Sergeant Jordan makes everyone laugh because of his sense of humor that everyone can relate to. For example, one student did a presentation on saying no to drugs and Master Sergeant Jordan responded with something like “I wasn’t the brightest kid in the school but I knew drugs were bad”. Those are some examples of how Master Sergeant Jordan can make kids laugh with a sense of humor.

       Another reason why Master Sergeant Jordan should be Educator of the Year is because he is easy to learn from. This is partly because he makes it clear what the important information that we need to know is. For example, he will give us a slideshow on information, but he will highlight all the information that you need to know to pass the test. This makes it easier for kids to take notes on the right information. Secondly, he gives us a heads up on when the tests are going to be early enough that you can plan for them. For example, if there is a test in a week, you will know a week beforehand. This allows us to study the information. Lastly, he explains complicated information in such a simple way that most people can easily understand. Since I am in a JROTC program we must know the rank structure of the Navy. This can be very complicated if you’ve never been familiar with it. He breaks it down step-by-step to help us understand the information better. Master Sergeant Jordan is easy to learn from. 

       The final reason I think Master Sergeant Jordan should be Educator of the Year is that his class is not boring. This is because he relates to us by talking about himself in high school. This helps kids understand different topics that we are learning about because Master Sergeant Jordan can explain it on a personal level. He also tells stories about his military career which is helpful to understand some of the military aspects. For example, we're learning about communication and how important it is, and Master Sergeant Jordan was talking about how if you were in a firefight, you would need to communicate to help your team get out. Lastly, there’s never a dull moment in his class. There was once a cheater in his class. Master Sergeant Jordan handled this cheater with authority and that was interesting to see how a military instructor handled cheating compared to a normal middle school or high school teacher.

       In conclusion, Master Sergeant Jordan is a very good teacher who should be rewarded with such an honor like the Educator of the Year award because he is funny, easy to learn from, and his class is not boring. 

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