Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

January 14, 2020
By Alyssamahan BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Alyssamahan BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year we all have that one teacher that we remember and just enjoyed a lot , and overall would love to go back to and have as a teacher again. I believe the teacher that should win Educator of the Year is Mr. Howard Bechler from Talley Middle School. Every year we move on to a new grade;that itself is nerve racking enough , but just wait until I tell you how Mr. Bechler made my 8th grade experience the best it could possibly be. 

Mr. Bechler was an interesting guy and just overall enjoyed life and his job, but mostly the bond he has created with his students was the best. He loves all his students, even the ones that misbehave. Mr. Bechler is a man of character; he is also goofy, loving, and very intelligent. Every day as I went into that class,  he would have a goofy hat on or be singing, playing the guitar or cracking jokes, but he did make sure we learned things. I always learned something new in that class everyday even if it was the most random things such as the name Mahan is the name of a Navy seal ship. Overall, Mr Bechler made the class enjoyable and fun which is surprising due to the fact I hate social studies;I loved his class. Mr. Bechler is a very understanding and reasonable teacher Once I was sick and out for a week, and he was very helpful with explaining what I missed and what I needed to make up and by when. Every week he would tell us what we are missing and need to turn in because he wanted us to be successful and do well. He also allowed us to do test corrections and lots of group work which made the class easier and less stressful because even if we messed up, we could not stress as much and get a better grade, and the group projects help because you have multiple minds doing all different things.

Even though my class was really bad, Mr.Bechler was still able to come into class everyday ready to teach and with a smile on his face, and you could tell that he truly loved his job and everything he does. Mr. Bechler always gave us real world examples when he taught because he has done so much in his life being a Vet and traveling all over; it was as if he was Google. You could ask him anything,  and he would know the answer. He's very smart. He's also able to connect with his students by interacting with things we like. For example, I do wrestling, and he would always talk to me about it;even though he didn't know anything, he still wanted to learn and listen.

He is a very creative man the way he taught. One day we were taking notes, and he decided to have us listen to his tape recording of his explanation. To this day I could most likely not give you a solid answer, but I appreciated his effort. Hes respectful towards all his students, fact it's rare he would ever send anyone to the U-Turn room which is pretty much a timeout room. I've only seen him do that 1 tim. He's very lenient.  Just get the work done and turn it in to get a grade; ok, he does prefer it’s on time, but if it's late he’ll tell you.

Overall, I believe Mr Bechler should be Educator of the Year since he is able to reach bonds with his students like no one else, is loving,smart,fun,silly and overall very talented. Mr Bechler has taught me many things throughout my 2 years of having him, and let me say some thing’s just stick with you like glue with that man, and he just has so much love for what he does, and the way he teaches is amazing and all the respect he has for everyone is through out amazing. So I believe Mr Bechler would be a great winner for educator of the year with all his great traits I love and everyone needs.

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