The Daily Life of Mrs. Dohmen my English Teacher | Teen Ink

The Daily Life of Mrs. Dohmen my English Teacher

March 10, 2022
By Kain28 BRONZE, Wichita Falls Tx, Texas
Kain28 BRONZE, Wichita Falls Tx, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is supposed to be an article of "best educator of the year" huh? Lets make it that! The teacher i am picking is Mrs. Dohmen, now before you get feisty let me explain why she is the educator of the year.  This teacher is probobaly the most patient teacher out there, she will go slowly with help you understand what your writing about and when your in a tuff spot she will pull you out and say "you need a hand?" "Well i've got one!" She is also very funny in every way possible. Like the example i just gave you. If you don't think that is reason enought let me give you some more. When you walk into her classroom, she will give you a nice warm welcome, and if you're feeling sad about something she will give you a hug and ask you whats wrong, and just overall comfort you. Now i don't say this very often (even though you might hear me say this again in this article) but when I say i can write about this woman. I mean I can WRITE about this woman. You know when you give a teacher a gift they NORMALLY just give you a smile and say "thanks" without any meaning? Well not this teacher! Nope she will say "wow this is beautiful thank you so much" and give you a hug, and the next day or two she will pop up at your desk and hand you a thank you letter. Same thing happens when you do something nice in general for her. Now let me tell you something very amazing about her. Honestly you could be having the worst day of your life and walk into this classroom and she will make a silly face or do something to cheer you up, sometimes she even says you can read a book until you're ready to do your work. I could probably name a million other good things about this woman and still not be done writing about her, but since Im still here why not scratch out a few more? Right? Okay so when we do games, (yes I know cheesy but whatever) she will have this thing called prize and clap where when we win this game we will be able to pick a prize and the class will give that person a round-of-applause. Another thing about her is she can be bummed and then when we come up to her desk and tell her a joke, she starts chuckling and gets back into a better mood. This teacher would NEVER miss school if it wasn't EXTREMELY important. In all this school year so far shes only missed 2 days, 2 DAYS. If you ask me, that's not very many. There you have it. All of the reasons why I think Mrs. Dohmen is the BEST educator of the year.

The author's comments:

I'm a 13 year old and I love to write articles about me, my family, friends, and the people who are close to me. I've been writing since i was about 6 and telling stories since about 4. I would make up the most ridiculous things. that's why i'm hoping i can be an author one day so everyone can enjoy the articles I write.

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