Mrs. Grace Bielski | Teen Ink

Mrs. Grace Bielski

April 11, 2022
By 2duty BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2duty BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was an average day in the middle of my freshman year when I first felt how largely Mrs. Bielski would affect my life. There was nothing inherently wrong or bad with the day, but Mrs. Bielski walked up to me during choir and asked, “How are you doing today, is there anything on your mind?” I had never met someone who just wanted to take the time to check in with her students all the time no matter if anything was wrong or not.

Mrs. Bielski is one of the choral directors at Arrowhead. She is one of the most musically talented people I have ever met. Every time she sings or plays piano it is only positive for the listener. She is super interactive and understandable within the classroom and it shows in the results of our performances.

I have never had a teacher that has felt so similar to a parent in my life. Mrs. Bielski is so warm, kind, and honest. She creates the perfect environment for me to thrive as a musician. Her classroom is a place where it’s safe to make mistakes.

Mrs. Bielski is transparent in every interaction. I can come to her, but she also has the maturity to admit when she’s having a bad day and never takes it out on the students. I can always talk to her without ever worrying about her telling someone else or judging me. Every time I talk to her, the rest of my day is blessed.

I love every story about her kids and every funny moment from her life. I love every time that Mr. C, her teaching partner for choir, is trying to maintain discipline and stop us from laughing, but she’s laughing too. She radiates joy in every part of her life and it shows through how happy her classes and students are.

I can truly say that I will cherish every moment that Mrs. Bielski has been in my life. I will be sad leaving school and not being able to have her as a teacher anymore once I graduate. I can leave school knowing that I can always come back and have someone to talk to who will still care and will still want to check in with me. My character and personality are due in large to Mrs. Bielski’s motherly attitude towards growing her students musically, but also as people.

As I become a music major in college, I will take the drive and passion that Mrs. Bielski has given me in my stride every day. All of my future musical advancements would not have happened without having her in my life. I can’t express enough how happy I am that I was able to spend four years with such an amazing teacher, singer, mother, and person. Thank you Mrs. Bielski, for being such a big impact on my life and the lives of my colleagues.

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