Mr. David Wagner | Teen Ink

Mr. David Wagner

April 11, 2022
By 2palmquist BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
2palmquist BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyday I would walk in with a glimmering smile on my face trying to find my friends. At Merton Intermediate school we would have my favorite class of the day, 7th and 8th grade science. The loud and enthusiastic voice of my teacher Mr. Wagner echoed across the room. Everyday was special in that class but one day in particular will stick with me for the rest of my life.

It was a long day and I walked into Mr. Wagner's class today. It was supposed to be another lesson and I was not in the mood. Today though Mr. Wagner asked us to ask him any questions about anything we wanted to know which was something out of the ordinary. The class starts out asking a few questions that are completely unrelated to science. Every student is enjoying the class being interactive and pretty soon we hear the bell for the 7th hour. We get back from taking the break and assume we would start working on the lesson now.

Mr. Wagner then continued to answer all of our questions making sure not to miss any students who were curious about life. When we get to the end of class he starts to talk to us about how he tries to build in one non-working day to get to know more about his students and how he understands everything we do. Once the final bell rings we all walk out of his room happy and more enthusiastic about school.

That day was something I know I will never forget. Mr. Wagner was the first teacher that showed me that they really care about us and that they understand the troubles we go through everyday at school. I remember talking about that class for the rest of the day and onto the next it really stuck with me. He understood us as students and that we need a day to relax and maybe just ask a few questions.

Something else that Mr. Wagner did was show his passion for music by playing one song every single day on an old record player he has. This was a time for us as students to take a mental break from learning and is something that I think really made me enjoy his class more than others. Mr. Wagner was also very enthusiastic. Something he did was at the start of my 7th grade science year he chucked a chair across the room. This was something that scared a lot of the students including me but was just another thing he did to make his class more enjoyable because you had no idea what you were going to do that day. Mr. Wagner is a teacher that I will never forget and is someone who is kind and caring about all of his students.

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