Mrs. Deb Supple | Teen Ink

Mrs. Deb Supple

April 11, 2022
By 3flannick BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3flannick BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have always been a very talkative person and especially in middle school, I would get in trouble all the time for being too loud. I would have to stay after class and talk with the teacher about how I could change my behavior. I would be sent to the hallway or to the principal’s office because I couldn’t stop talking to my friends during class. There was one teacher that disliked me for it and one teacher that liked me for it. Thanks to Mrs. Supple I didn’t have to worry about talking too much.

During my 8th grade year of middle school, we were allowed to leave our LA/Lit class and go down to Mrs. Supple’s room to do our work and read out books for class instead of in our regular room. We loved to take that opportunity to go down and hang out with her and we would even leave our study halls to go to her room too. The main reason we liked her room though is that we didn’t have to be quiet. We could joke around, laugh, talk, watch youtube and shop for shoes online instead of doing homework. She loved to talk about any drama that was going on in our class at the time and enjoyed learning all the juicy details that went along with it.

She would also play music for us, specifically “Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver and “Africa” by Toto. We listened to these songs so many times that we could soon sing them by heart, and when the time came for us to pick a class song we had to go with “Country Roads”. By the end of the year almost the whole class could sing this song and it required not much practice before we had to sing it at our graduation ceremony.

To really sum up Mrs. Supple, she is just like a cool aunt, always ready to have a long conversation about anything and everything. She never got angry at any of us even though we could be a bit of trouble sometimes, and could always relate and understand with anything we said.

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