Mr vento | Teen Ink

Mr vento

February 14, 2023
By Anonymous

Throughout my eighth grade year I would take advanced Spanish to get high school credit and every morning when I would come back from Spanish class I would arrive to North Shore Middle school and go to my first hour to be greeted by Mr. Vento in his room.It was the middle of the first semester. That’s where everything seemed to go wrong.

I started the day off by failing my grammar test in Spanish and that changed my whole mood for the day. I was going to have a math test and a science test that when I got back to middle school Mr.Vento knew that something was wrong when I wasn't talking to anyone and I was stressing out over the math test .This is because Mr. Vento knew me as one of the loudest kids in the class. I was always the kid getting in trouble for talking and never listening.But also one of the most hard working kids 

All Mr.Vento said was that if I am not feeling the best to take it that I can take it a different day.with his trying to say it quietly but comes out still pretty strong because that's how he talks 

I decided to take it a different day because I knew that I was going to mess it up if I kept going.I also still had the science test to take later that day and I wasn't trying to stress myself out all because I did badly on the first assignment.

Mr.Vento would end up letting me stay in his room and play chess with Friends if we didn't feel like going to lunch 


He would always take time out of class to talk about something not related to math so that we wouldn't stress out over the work.This is because he would say that something is just meant to be known by everyone. He would start turning math into health class or a finance class but the moral of the story is that he would make math class into the basics of life.

That is that helped me alot to because while taking a break for math we would also be learning something new and getting prepared for life

He is one of the most caring and helpful people I have met. He made me feel like it was fine if we had a bad day and that all we had to do is just ask for help and i am forever grateful so thank you Mr.Venti for helping and caring about me     

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