Mr. Stuber | Teen Ink

Mr. Stuber

February 14, 2023
By Anonymous

Mr. Stuber 

By Salina Delapaz, age 17 

During my freshman year, Covid-19 hit sending many kids home from school due to close contact. I was one of those many students, I had only shown up for school for a month and a half at most or I joined classes via Zoom from home. During my time at Arrowhead High School's south campus, I didn’t do any of my schoolwork because I was constantly being sent home. 

While I was a freshman and sophomore I had a counselor named Mr. Stuber—Mr. Stuber did everything in his power to get me to do my school work, from staying after school to get it done to giving me time to work in his office but I never took advantage of it till it was too late. Over my freshman year, Mr.Stuber was hard on me trying to get me to realize that I need to get myself together and pass or I’d be at school more often than I would if I got all my work done. 

One day Mr. Stuber told me that he was going to give up on me because I wasn’t putting effort in and that’s when I knew I had hit rock bottom and I needed to get my act together. I knew right then and there that I really needed to put in the effort and really want it or I’d be doing it again.

Now I am a Jr at Arrowhead High School North Campus getting passing grades because Mr. Stuber has shaped me into the person that I am today. I may not be the top student in my classes but to me, it's about understanding and getting the work done. Without Stuber, I would probably still be that kid who struggles with a lack of motivation and poor grades. 

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