Mrs. Danay | Teen Ink

Mrs. Danay

February 14, 2023
By Anonymous

In my four years of being at Arrowhead High School, I’ve never felt like any teacher ever had an impact on my life. That changed when I became a senior and joined the yearbook class. My sister told me about the positive impact Mrs. Danay made on her. I told my sister I’ll try the class but wasn’t sure if I was going to stick with it because photography and going up to people and asking for their pictures wasn’t really my thing. I have always had horrible anxiety about things involving people I don’t know very well. Little did I know Mrs. Danay would help me break out of that shell.

On the first day of the yearbook class, I almost instantly dropped because there was no one I was really close to. Sitting here in my second semester of senior year, I am very fortunate I didn’t drop this class. Mrs. Danay always brings the biggest smile and best attitude to class. I felt like every other class I had taken in the past, the teacher always seemed like they didn't want to be there and had a worse attitude than most students. This was never Mrs. Danay. Even if she was having a bad day, she would express to her students that it was not a day to play around, but never seemed like she didn’t want to be there. 

I also liked that not everyday was the same. Some days we worked really hard, while other days we had more chill days and just hung out. This balance was nice because it improved the work ethic of her students, including me. Every Friday we have a snack and activity day. This is really nice because it’s a good end to the week. 

Mrs. Danay makes sure to get to know her students on a personal level and talks to them individually every day. This was the only teacher I’ve ever had that has made an effort to know their students. She always asks her students questions like “How was your day?”, or if you had a sporting event that day, “Good luck tonight!” This was nice because no other teacher did that. 

Mrs. Danay really has left a positive mark on my high school career like no other teacher has, which I think is amazing considering I’ve only had her for one year. I am glad I got the opportunity to have her as a teacher and to experience her shining personality. She truly is an amazing teacher and person. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about an amazing teacher!

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