Mr. Hogan | Teen Ink

Mr. Hogan

February 15, 2023
By jgett SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
jgett SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We all want that teacher that you enjoy going to their class. Mine was Mr. Hogan class. A science class for grades 6-8 at Richmond school. He taught us everything to know about science. We learned about cells, energy, chemistry, dissection, physics and tons more. 

Mr. Hogan was the teacher that you could see at Culver’s and actually want to talk to. I can still picture his contagious laugh and smile. I think that's cool after I haven't been in his class for almost four years.

Mr. Hogan was the teacher that when I got in trouble in class, he wouldn’t make the biggest deal in the world. Even on the day before winter. Having to stay after school for 45 minutes to write me up. He wasn’t mad, nor disappointed. He just made a joke about it. This showed his true personality about how he liked his students no matter what.

In his science class, I did a more interesting lab with him than I’ve done in High School. I remember the dissection labs the most. We dissected a worm, a frog, and a bird pellet. The worm was super gross. It had to be longer than my head at the time. Then we did a bird pellet. I found multiple bones in those. The frog was the worst. It looked all pail and slimy. Seventh grade me all terrified to do these. If I had to do another teacher, I don’t think I could’ve done it. But with Mr. Hogan everything was possible.  

Mr. Hogan wasn’t just a good teacher. He was a good role model and someone to look up to. Sixth grade me, was scared to go into middle school but Mr. Hogan made everything better. The main thing he did was make everything into something fun and funny. He somehow made animal and plant cells into something funny. I remember him saying ‘’The funnier it gets, the more you’ll remember it.’’ To this day I can still remember that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

Thank you Mr. Hogan for the three short but great years I had with you. You are the best science teacher I’ve ever had. 

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